Tuesday, July 28, 2015

When God says "Get Up!"

After our day at Cook's Children's Hospital in Fort Worth and following so many sweet families back home whose little one's are battling cancer, my heart was OVERWHELMED!  Add to that the uncertainty of what is going on with Bryleigh, and all I found myself doing yesterday was praying.  I prayed for those families and their children, for healing and for peace.  I prayed for the lives of the faces we saw during our time at Cook's, that they would know the love of Jesus and that they would feel comforted.  I prayed and let God know that in it all, I trust him, just as I did 3 months ago during our miscarriage.  I prayed and let Him know that I was not fearful about what is coming and asked Him to continue to give me peace so that I wouldn't fear anything.

It was one of those day where I just wrestled with it all.  I was overwhelmingly thankful for Bryleigh's life and each and every day we've had with her, the good and the hard.  I was exhausted...and so was she, so I was thankful when she went down easy {and early} thinking I would follow her shortly.  But I had so much trouble going to sleep, so I just kept praying as I had done all day long.

I had been asleep about 30 minutes when Bryleigh cried out for the first time around 1:30 am.  It was different than she normally does, so I wasn't sure what was going on, but I continued to watch her on the monitor, and before long I could tell she wasn't going back down on her own, so I went in and got her.

As soon as I opened the door, I knew why she was awake.  She had a bad diaper.  I got her all fixed back up and brought her to lay down with me for a little while as we normally do when she wakes up during the night.

Once she dozed off, I took her back to her bed and then crawled back under the covers.  But my mind was racing again, thoughts all over the place, and all I could do was pray.  I turned on some of my current favorite worship tunes and just listened to the words.

At some point, I started to hear God say, "Get up."  Of course I went through all the arguments, "It's just me I'm hearing," "That's not really Him," "I'll wait until the end of this song..."  But at the end of the song, I heard it again.  So I did.  I got up.   I got my Bible Study stuff out and I sat down to spend some time in his word at 3:00 in the morning.

I wasn't sure what I was UP for, but I knew He had said to do it, so I did.  And then almost at the end of today's blog post for She Read's Truth, I saw it:

"Sister, as we read and receive this Truth, may I repeat Peter’s words to you today?  Get up.  Get up, because the Good News is alive in you, pumping through your veins, awakening each breath, and calling you to sit up in the sovereign Hands of Truth."

I mean WOW.  That is NO coincidence.  The Creator of the Universe took His precious time to let me, a complete mess of a sinner, feel His presence and know that He cares about me by simply asking me to "Get Up," and then challenging me with those very words during my {very early} quiet time with Him.  What an encouragement that was...enough to get me through an extremely short night considering Bryleigh woke up again with a second bad diaper at 5:00 in the morning and she never went back to sleep.

He always gives us exactly what we need for the very moment we are in, even if that is encouragement at 3:00 in the morning.  I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that pursues me in such a way.

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