Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Sweetest Unsweet Life - Dole Whip

Three years ago this May, we learned that Bryleigh was allergic to cane sugar, among 9 other things.  We praised the Lord for answers to what had been causing so many health issues for Bryleigh, but we were devastated as we began to realize exactly what this diagnosis meant for her (and for us).  Every expectation I had of baking in the kitchen with my daughter, every way I knew to celebrate any and all special occasions, and anything my daughter loved to eat were all officially a thing of the past.  The beginning was survival mode for all of us, then we moved into the learning and growing phase, and now we are officially at the point that we want to share with the world all we have learned along the way.

Bryleigh has asked for a while if she could have a YouTube channel, but to be honest, I never thought it was something we would actually do...until I began to get this little vision of the two of us in the kitchen sharing all of our favorite recipes.  And just like that, God pieced my heart back together and showed me just how faithful He is in redeeming what seemed to be complete ash, our very own rainbow in the sky reminding us that He is so good to us.

We decided to start simple and fun with a tasty summer treat in honor of summer officially being here! And the Texas heat is here, right on time.  We had a trip planned to Disney this summer over 4th of July, but thanks to the Coronoa virus, it has officially been postponed.  That will not, however, keep us from bringing a little Disney magic to our entire summer, so it was the perfect way to kick off THE SWEETEST UNSWEET LIFE!

This simple 3 ingredient recipe is super easy to make and will leave your taste buds satisfied in no time, not to mention cooling you down in the 100* Texas heat!!

For all of Bryleigh's ice cream treats, we use Blue Bell's No Sugar Added Vanilla Ice Cream.  It can occasionally be out of stock at our local Kroger, but for the most part, we have no trouble finding a gallon or two.  It is also available in pint size, most of the time.

In addition to your ice cream base, you will also need 4 ounces of pineapple juice and 2 cups of frozen pineapple.  We had trouble finding any, so we just went ahead and bought a fresh pineapple, cut it into cubes, and then froze 2 cups.  (Speaking of fresh pineapple, we may never be the same after visiting Maui, Hawaii last year and getting to tour the MAUI GOLD pineapple farm and eating fresh pineapple straight off the plant.)

This recipe can be easily modified to make various versions, including placing it back in the freezer and serving it more like ice cream or by adding more pineapple juice or milk to it for a creamier, drink type treat.  It would also be fun to pour the mixture into popsicle molds and have on hand for those hot summer afternoons after a morning of playing outside!

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