Thursday, September 5, 2013

Team Pink vs. Team Blue - A Gender Reveal Party

We are so blessed by some amazing friends and family.  They have prayed for us and cried with us as we waited for this sweet miracle, and we wanted them to be able to share in our joy.  We decided one way we could do that is by hosting a Gender Reveal Party!

Being out of work over the first 12-14 weeks gave me PLENTY of time to think about and plan this party, and I had SO much fun working through all of the details and coming up with the theme, invitation, and other things to go along with it (I tend to be a planner...and a list maker).

Considering my husband is quite the sports fanatic, and seeing as I don't mind them one bit, I thought that would be the perfect theme: Team Pink vs. Team Blue!

This has been one of my favorite pieces I've designed to date
...for many reasons! :)

*If you are interested in Invitations and other designs, I'd be happy to help!
Our entryway had a sign in sheet that allowed people to sign in
PINK or BLUE on the date they think Baby H will be here,
along with what size they think Baby will be!
These are some of the Old Wives Tales I did
to share with the guests...and yes, it's split
right down the middle!
Details from the entry, including Mommy and Daddy's stats at birth.
Did you know Brad was TWO weeks LATE!?
All of the yummy food!!
Everyone was ready for yummy CAKE!!
Since Brad and I both knew what the gender was (if you haven't read the story of how Brad and I find can check it out here), we wanted to let someone else be the one to reveal it to our guests, so we wrapped up some gifts and had our mom's and Erin open them up to show everyone what team our sweet little one is on.  Their reactions were priceless when opening their Mother's Day cards, and I knew this surprise would be no different.

Anxiously waiting to find out what this sweet baby is going to be!!
(And still not quite sure how they're going to find out...)

It's a GIRL!! Whether they were Team Pink or Team Blue, everyone
was officially Team Bryleigh as soon as those onsies came out!
(And yes...the "blue" one threw everyone off! OOPS!)
The secret's out...IT'S A GIRL!!
Everyone is so excited for Miss Bryleigh Renee Hammons!
So thankful for FaceTime!! Uncle Alan and Aunt Candice had a BUSY
weekend in Conroe, but we got to celebrate TEAM PINK with them anyway!!
It was SUCH a wonderful day celebrating with our wonderful friends and family.  We loved being able to share our news that our little miracle is a girl, and we'll be welcoming our sweet Bryleigh Renee in January! We can not wait!!

Daddy's family - DeDe, Poppa B, and Aunt Erin
Mommy's family - Pappy and Mimi
Great Grandparents, Great Aunts & Uncles, and 2nd and 3rd cousins
came out to see what Baby H is going to be!
And friends that are like family - Mike Lally,
Daddi-O to Bryleigh's best friend Beau!

Forever Friends - Jana Rae and her little boy, Callen...
(I may or may not happen to be PUSHING my stomach out a bit here!
I didn't realize I actually was showing that day!!)
and Kate Cody - with her sweet fiance Austin!
Our precious friends from small group at Fielder
and our "Fearless Leader", Deb and her daughter Megan
And some very precious work friends that make 8 hour days,
Monday-Friday all the more bearable...
and have certainly turned into life long friends!!
Our sweet little Bryleigh is already loved by so many!


  1. Hi Carrie! I enjoyed your blog! I have been researching gender reveal parties and it's so much fun to see how each one is different!

    I am planning mine now...YIKES! Could you assist me with designing the invites? Yours are PERFECT! My email address is

    Thanks so much!

  2. In love with this Gender Reveal Party. I really liked all these details. My sister also threw a huge Gender Reveal party at the most beautiful garden event venue New York. It was such a blasting bash which everyone enjoyed. I will surely be sharing the party photos on my blog.
