Wednesday, July 15, 2015

It's been "May"hem

Three months is a long time to remember all the details when our little one is changing SO much each and everyday, so rather than doing one big blog for the 15-18 month adventures, I thought I'd do one for each month (May, June, and July), and post some of the highlights.  And technically May is only the 17th to the 31st since the first part of the month is included HERE.  I'll post one each day as we count down to Bryleigh's 1/2 birthday on Friday, with the last one following how I normally update.

Some of my favorite things that came in the month of May included Bryleigh learning where her belly button is...she will point to it even if she isn't asked, along with fake sneezing (which she thinks is hilarious when she really sneezes), and she has FINALLY started holding hands.  She will just stick her hand up in the air and let me hold it, but I'll take what I can get!  I also love that she will walk a book over to me, hand it to me, turn around with her back to me, and then back right up to my legs and fall down in my lap.  (You better watch out if you are laying on the floor, because she will do the same thing and end up sitting on your stomach, or even your face!)

May was a BUSY, BUSY month with lots more memories made and lots of fun was had!  One of the best parts about May was Memorial Day because Daddy didn't have to get on a plan and head to North Carolina, so he was home with his girls for 10 whole days!!  Brad and I took advantage of the extra time and went on a date night at the Ballpark to see Josh playing at home again.

Our little girly-girl loves all things pink, as well as accessories and bags! But she still loves watching baseball!!

Just a typical Monday with the B-Girl and all her many faces!
Memorial Day - thankful for a lot of extra time with our family of three! Grocery shopping together is one of my faves!
Bryleigh DEFINITELY made the most of Daddy being home for a whole week - including helping him work!
We loved cheering on Josh Hamilton in his first game back at the Ballpark in Arlington!
And this little collage is here because a girl's first ponytail MUST be documented.

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