Sunday, September 22, 2013

23 Weeks - Busy Week and a Busy Girl!

How far along? 23 weeks

Due Date? January 14, 2014 - Dr. Harris said I've been a week ahead at my last two appointments, but not changing dates yet!

How big is baby? Miss B is the size of a large mango! She is approximately 11.5 inches long and weighs about 1.1 lb

Maternity clothes? Still not having to wear anything we purchased...yet.  

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleeping? Doing pretty good.  I wake up off and on throughout the night lately, but sleeping pretty well.  My "internal clock" has kicked me awake every day for the past week between 6:00 and 7:00...she likes to start the party early!

Miss anything? Yes...laying on my back!!! Before pregnancy (and actually in some of these posts...) I would have told you that I NEVER lay on back...but apparently I did before and just didn't realize it!!

Movement? I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday where Dr. Harris barely got the heartbeat on the monitor because Little Bit was moving SO much.  I got to check it again on Wednesday when our Small Group leader brought her machine over for after Bible Study...and again we had the SAME result.  Deb kept trying until we were able to get a really good listen in to that sweet little sound, but she was QUITE active and made Deb really work for it!

Food cravings? Corner Bakery's Cinnamon Creme Cake (and yes, i'm actually eating some as I type this!) - On the agenda this week - Try out a recipe I found online for a "copycat" version of this coffee cake because, let's be honest, $20 for a pregnancy craving is pushing it a little!!  I've also been craving some good bagels for a few weeks, and had my first one this morning! Crisis averted.

Food aversions? Doing pretty good in this category...for now! Hoping it stays that way!!

Gender predictions? Sugar and spice and everything nice!

Symptoms? My gag reflex has been off the charts this week, making some things pretty tough! But today seems to be better.  And baby girl seems to be sucking me dry from any water I'm drinking, so I have been a little dehydrated. 

Belly button – in or out? In

Wedding rings – on or off? On

Mood? I haven't had any weeks where I've been happy every day, but I haven't had any weeks where I've been moody every day either...but let's just say that one conversation we had this week ended with Brad saying, "I'm just going to assume that you're acting like this because you're pregnant because I REALLY don't understand what's going on." - I MIGHT have been a little irrational at the time! :)

Labor signs? Nope.

Best moment this week? We've had a BIG week with LOTS of great moments! :)

On Monday, I met DeDe and her 30% off coupon at Kohls for a nice little shopping spree for our sweet Bryleigh!

Mimi and Pappy ordered Bryleigh's furniture last Sunday night, and it arrived in store just in time for us to go pick it up when they got in town on Friday! We picked up the crib and mattress on Friday afternoon while daddy finished up his work day, and then put the bed together on Friday night.

We woke up Saturday morning and headed BACK to Babies R Us to pick up the dresser and the double dresser that we'll be using as her changing table, too. (Unfortunately...the tall dresser was damaged pretty badly, so we had to package it back up and take it BACK to the store!)

Other favorite moments from the week - our 23 week doctor's appointment and registering for upcoming classes at Baylor Dallas.  I always love getting to go in and see Dr. Harris.  It always ends up being a reassuring time for me that things are going well and our sweet little girl is growing just as she needs to be! He encouraged me to go ahead and get signed up for those classes so that we can be sure and get the ones we want.  (He said that 4 weeks ago, too...but I put it on the back burner)  I'm SO thankful that we went ahead and took a look because it helped us see things are going to come pretty quickly and we ended up only having about 2 options for each of the three classes we wanted to sign up for!!  We'll be going to a few different ones during the months of October and November.

Looking forward to? The week coming up will be a pretty low key one because Brad has some pretty busy work days ahead - two days in Addison and three in North Carolina, but over the coming weeks and months we have LOTS coming up to look forward to and get ready lots of rest and checking things off the to-do list will take place this week!

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