In reading through today's daily Bible reading, I was faced with a serious question - What talents in my life has God blessed me with that I am throwing away everyday?
Exodus 35:10 - 36:38 brings to a close God's instruction for the Isrealites to build a temple based on specifications and we finally see the work being done. Moses comes down from being on the mountiain with God for 40 days and 40 nights and he has all the instruction he needs for the people. He explains to them all they need to gather and give in an offering to the Lord. As he finishes instructing them, Exodus 35:20 and 21 says, "Then the whold Isrealite community withdrew from Moses' presence, and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and brought and offering to the Lord for the work on the Tent of Meeting."
The passage goes on to tell us about the various skills that were required for the different specifications the Lord had demanded. And each time this comes up, it says "and those who were willing and had the skill."
The question immediately came to my mind, "How often have I not been WILLING to use what the Lord has so graciously given me?" And I was humbled throughout the remainder of the passage.
Those who are willingThose who came before the Lord with willing hearts and gave all they had (their time, their possessions, and their talents) were able to look back when the tent was finished and know that they had played a part in God's plan. They were able to look at this beautiful masterpiece (I know it was beautiful because God is the one that planned it out - and have you SEEN the depths of his creativity??)
Those who are weak
The part that really stuck with me as I read through this passage was realizing that everyone in the community of the Isrealites did not play a part in building the tent. Although God had CONTINUALLY provided for them, some still did not realize who He truly was. And for that, they missed out on an INCREDIBLE opportunity.
Jealousy is a natural thing among us, and there were plenty of times growing up that I found myself jealous of something someone else had or something someone else was getting to do. I also know that they were times that my own selfish desires kept me from doing things, and when I would look back, I would really regret the fact that I hadn't taken part or put in an effort to help out.
Imagine what those people thought as they sat and marveled at the beauty of that tent and KNEW that they could have had a part in creating that. I KNOW how I would have felt! I would have had a sense of regret that would have been unbearable, and some serious guilt that I had been so selfish to not follow God's plan for my life.
Mark 14:38 tells us that we are to "watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation." It goes on to tell us that "the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
We are given a warning, straight from God - we are to watch and pray so that we don't miss those opportunities that God sets before us. The only way to strenghten our flesh is to deepen our relationship with Christ, and the stronger our flesh is, the more likely we are to continue to use what God has given us in order to further HIS kingdom.
I don't want to get to Heaven and see a full link feature film of amazing things I COULD have or SHOULD have been able to experience. God's got big plans for us, and He provides us with all the tools we need to carry out those plans. I'm willing!
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