This was a TOUGH week...on me and on our sweet Emmitt. After some serious "pre-nesting" on Sunday afternoon (Brad and I cleaned out all of our drawers in our bedroom), I woke up Monday morning around 5 am feeling extremely nauseas. By the time I tried to get up around 8 or so, I was sicker than I had been in a long time (if not the WHOLE time) and continued to get worse throughout the day. I wasn't able to keep anything down, including water, and I was absolutely exhausted.
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A little laundry help on the left, and the "pre-nesting" phase of cleaning...with some more help from Emmitt. |
Thankfully, by the time I woke up on Tuesday, I was only nauseated (and extremely weak), which isn't too fun, but I'll take that by itself any day! However, within a few hours of being up and going, Emmitt started throwing up. (This isn't the first time we've had to remind him HE isn't the pregnant one!) I could tell he wasn't feeling too well throughout the rest of the day, but it wasn't anything to out of the ordinary.
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What most of our week looked like |
By Wednesday, that was a different story...our little guy was OBVIOUSLY sick and after a call to our vet, they recommended we bring him in immediately. We ended up with no specific diagnosis other than he had gotten sick and because he is so small it just threw everything off. He got an IV while we were at the vet along with two different shots, and they sent us home with antibiotics for his little intestines to heal and some "Special" food. (It might have been a little TOO special, because now it's all he wants!)
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My sweet little guy after his exam, IV, and shots. |
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Emmitt finally at home and recuperating with his friends :) |
We spent the rest of the week resting and relaxing, and then enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL fall weather on Saturday with our windows open and some SERIOUS nesting. I feel like a lot of the cleaning out and organizing I wanted to get done before Miss B is officially done! (Not that I won't find more to do over the next few months!!)
How far along? 25 weeks
Due Date? January 14, 2014
How big is baby? Miss B is the size of a RUTABAGA! She is approximately 13.5 inches long and weighs about 1.5 lbs
*Growing up, my dad has the words that he just enjoyed throwing in conversations from time to time...and Rutabaga is one of those words, so as soon as I saw that she was that size I KNEW I wanted to put it on the board for the week. Brad and I have spent the week talking about "Our Little Rutabaga" :)
Maternity clothes? Yep. I don't have to have them, but the bump shows up more - which is way more fun than just looking like I've gained some weight!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleeping? I had a much better week as far as sleeping goes this week, but that came from pure exhaustion and being so sick this week!
Miss anything? Not missing anything this week
Movement? Yep! I'm starting to get a little more used to how much she moves, so I don't notice it quite as much as I had been...and she changed positions a little since last week so those kicks and punches aren't quite as strong.
Food cravings? Nothing. Being so sick this week took me back to the early weeks of pregnancy.
Food aversions? Everything. Nothing sounded good this week, which meant the thought of most things made me feel queasy!!
Gender predictions? Girl, girl, girl!
Symptoms? Braxton Hicks!! and Pregnancy Brain!!! I know now that I've had Braxton Hicks throughout the pregnancy at some other times, I just didn't know that's what they were (after all...this IS the first time I've had a growing human inside of me, how I am supposed to know what's normal and not?!) However, this week, with being so sick and dehydrated, they were pretty intense and lasted hours at a time.
Belly button – in or out? In...for now!
Wedding rings – on or off? On
Mood? Feeling good! I can tell some of my "emotional thoughts" are definitely coming from pregnancy hormones!!
Labor signs? Nope.
Best moment this week? Our sweet Bryleigh girl was showered with love from some wonderful friends and family yesterday! Brad and I are so blessed with so many people that show their love to us and support us in so many different ways, and yesterday was no different. It was so good seeing so many people that I don't get to see nearly as often as I'd like!
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Ready to head to our first baby shower for Miss B! |
Looking forward to? We are HOPING that Bryleigh's cousin - Olivia Lynn - Makes her grand entrance during the next week.
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