How far along? 39 Weeks - she could seriously come at ANY time
Due Date? January 14, 2014
How big is baby? Miss B is the size of a mini watermelon (does the "mini" really make a difference at this point?!), about 20 inches long and 7.25 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep...can I just say SHOES have been my biggest problem?! I'd rather NOT wear socks and shoes at this point, so flip flops would be the PERFECT solution, only it's a little cold outside for that to be considered "normal" - This is about the ONLY thing summer pregnancies have as an advantage over the winter ones.
Stretch marks? Yep, they're definitely there.
Sleeping? Horrible, no good, very bad nights...After Emmitt's procedure at the vet, he was pretty restless at night, on top of the normal restlessness that I have with a "mini watermelon" in my belly.
Miss anything? I definitely miss wearing my wedding rings!
Movement? She's still swimming around in there...although, she's totally out of room!
Food cravings? No major cravings this week - I do have some unfrosted Pop Tarts that my dad brought, so I have certainly been enjoying those!!
Food aversions? No foods to avoid this week
Gender predictions? Can't wait to see our sweet baby GIRL's face!
Symptoms? Nothing new here
Belly button – in or out? Not out...
Wedding rings – on or off? Definitely not on!
Mood? I've definitely been a little testy this changing moments and pregnancy hormones tend to do that to a girl.
Labor signs? I'm still having Braxton Hicks, but no actual labor signs. We had our weekly appointment on Monday and we did NOT do a "check" this week! :) Dr. Harris said that the only way there would be any change would be if I had been having contractions, so it wasn't worth checking this week. We'll be going back on Monday for our Week 40 appointment, and he'll do a sonogram to check on how things are going in there...unless she decides to come before then! ;)
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Sneak Peek: Updating the sign from the Gender Reveal for the Hospital :) |
Best moment(s) this week? This week was a long one...I'm honestly not too impatient at this point. I fully trust in God's timing and have said that God knows my baby's birthdate, and that hasn't changed for me one bit. I know that no matter what I do at this point, He has a plan and her perfect day is just around the corner! But the not knowing when it's going to happen, and the fact that labor could literally come on at any point is a little (a lot) to wrap your mind around.
It was made longer because Brad has had to go in to the office every day this week, leaving the house by 6:30 am and getting back home anywhere between 8:30 and 9:30 each night. I'm seriously SO thankful for his work ethic and passion for what he does. I'm thankful that he is getting to work along side his friends and coworkers this week as opposed to multiple conference calls and lonely days for him. He loves what he does, and he is good at it! That makes the long days and late nights worth it.
Since he's been gone, it has been pretty quiet and peaceful around the house though, so I've had plenty of time to get some reading in - I've been working on the "Read the Bible for Life" series. One of my goals for 2014 is to read through the Bible chronologically using this plan, which also has a guide that goes along with the daily readings, a Bible Study workbook, and a separate book to go along with it that covers all of the various topics in more detail. They have definitely challenged me and opened my eyes to some ways I can improve on studying God's Word more in depth.
I enjoyed a nice pedicure (THANK YOU DeDe!) with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law on Thursday morning, followed by a fabulous lunch at La Madeline's. It was so nice to just relax with them and enjoy some time dreaming about sweet Bryleigh girl. We are all excited for her arrival!
It was made longer because Brad has had to go in to the office every day this week, leaving the house by 6:30 am and getting back home anywhere between 8:30 and 9:30 each night. I'm seriously SO thankful for his work ethic and passion for what he does. I'm thankful that he is getting to work along side his friends and coworkers this week as opposed to multiple conference calls and lonely days for him. He loves what he does, and he is good at it! That makes the long days and late nights worth it.
Since he's been gone, it has been pretty quiet and peaceful around the house though, so I've had plenty of time to get some reading in - I've been working on the "Read the Bible for Life" series. One of my goals for 2014 is to read through the Bible chronologically using this plan, which also has a guide that goes along with the daily readings, a Bible Study workbook, and a separate book to go along with it that covers all of the various topics in more detail. They have definitely challenged me and opened my eyes to some ways I can improve on studying God's Word more in depth.
I enjoyed a nice pedicure (THANK YOU DeDe!) with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law on Thursday morning, followed by a fabulous lunch at La Madeline's. It was so nice to just relax with them and enjoy some time dreaming about sweet Bryleigh girl. We are all excited for her arrival!
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Baby pink nails for our baby girl! |
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"The Last Supper" - well...maybe! :) Dinner at Pluckers in Grapevine before a quick trip to Southlake for the evening. |
Looking forward to? Bryleigh's birthday!
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