My Little Rollie Polly,
No, that is not a reference to the sweet rolls that have shown up on your legs (and other places). I'm actually referring to the fact that you are rolling ALL over the place! You finally flipped over from your back to your tummy after giving it your best efforts for the past two months, and now...we can't seem to slow you down. There have been times you've rolled from one end of the living room to the other, toys in hand and all! We never know where or how we are going to find you laying, but we'll definitely be keeping a lot closer eye on you now!! You've even started getting right up on your knees and scooting a bit at a time. I'm not calling it "crawling" yet, but that might just be because I'm in denial! Your daddy and I are going to need you to slow down on this whole growing up so quickly thing.
On top of that, you are also starting to sit up by yourself. This "trick" is going to take a little bit longer to master, but that is just because your head is a little on the large side. It tends to weigh you down just a bit, and you end up doing a lot of teetering and tottering! You'll have it before long though, I'm certain of that. (We can't forget that you DID sit in a high chair for the first time though!)
We've also noticed this month that you definitely know your name. Your daddy and I like to sit on opposite sides of the room and go back and forth calling your name. It's so fun to watch you look back and forth to see which one of us is talking with you. Your eyes light up and you are always smiling as you look at us, like you know exactly what we are saying to you.
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B girl loves her swing...and making silly faces! Oh yeah, and her feet! |
I know that I've said this before, but every month seems to be "the best one yet," and this one is no different! I don't know how we'll EVER top this month (but I'm sure you'll find a way). We kicked it off with you holding your very own bottle for the first time and watching your very first show - Winnie the Pooh! You are always drawn to screens that are lit up (like the tv, computer, or iPhones), so I wasn't surprised when you watched so intently.
One of my favorite things from this month (that we had noticed some in earlier months) is that you like to feel EVERYTHING!! You are constantly rubbing your sweet little hands and fingers on something, anything you can reach - the walls while we change your diaper, the couches as you are playing on the floor, my arms, leg, and face while you are taking your bottle. You always feel around for your toys, which you have started being able to pick up on your own. You can also grab your pass and put it in your mouth all by yourself. It's so fun to watch you get it all situated.
This month was also VERY special because we had your baby dedication. Your daddy and I were able to stand before our family and friends and make a commitment to God that we would raise you in a loving, supportive, Christian home. It is our greatest prayer that you will come to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with him. That was definitely a special day!
We also had lots of family time with your Grands (and aunts and uncle and "tusins"), meeting Sister's new baby girls, and some special time with some of my Granddaddy's family. (I SO wish you could have met him. He would have loved you so much and you two would have had so much fun!)
Wearing: We've officially phased out all of the 3 month pajamas, but Bryleigh can still wear most of her 3 months clothes, so she's wearing a good mix of 3 and 6 months clothes. She's also still sporting the size 3 diapers.
Eating: Miss Bryleigh's schedule hasn't changed too much from the previous months, but it varies from day to day on the times of everything. She's still eating 5 times a day, 6 ounces every 3 hours, sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less as far as time between the bottles goes. Some days she wears herself smooth out to the point that she only gets in 4 of her bottles. She's also doing oatmeal cereal during the mornings and we've added some yummy homemade baby foods during the afternoon. So far we've had acorn squash (which she loved from day 1).

Sleeping: This baby girl LOVES to sleep. She usually gets restless in her bed between 6:00 and 7:00 these days, and if we're not heading out to go anywhere, we move her in our bed for a few more minutes of good sleep. Sometimes it's just a fun, snuggle time, and other times she passes out for a few more hours. Our day normally starts between 8:00 and 9:30 depending on Miss B, and then she'll take a short little nap about an hour after her 1st bottle, followed by a good nap after her 2nd bottle. She's been ready for bed around 8:30, but some days it's as early as 7:00! Like I said, Bryleigh
loves her sleep! :) Just like her momma!!
Teeth: We've got to add a new section this month! Miss Bryleigh officially has her first tooth!! It's the bottom one on the right side, and the left one will quickly follow. We've been noticing a lot going on down there, a little swelling with a little bit of different coloring, so we knew it was coming, but the day before she was 25 weeks, it officially poked through! She's done great with all of that so far. She's had some fever, some drooling, some biting of her fingers and toys, and a few grouchy moments, but overall nothing major!
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This one is blown up and cropped in super tight so you can see those two tiny white spots in her mouth...we have TEETH! |
Doctor's official measurements: Bryleigh went in for her 6 month appointment on her 6 month birthday! She weighs 19 pounds 6 ounces (95th percentile), she is 27 inches (90th percentile), and her sweet head is still measuring off the charts at 47 cm (or 18.5 inches). We are so thankful for our healthy, beautiful baby girl that is absolutely perfect! She sat up for Dr. Wallace, smiled, and laughed, and talked to her, and she barely even cried when she got her 2 shots and 1oral vaccination! We have a tough little girl on our hands!
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Bryleigh loved looking at the baby in the mirror at the doctor's office! ;) She loves her reflection! |
Sixth Month Highlights
This month started out with a blowout...literally!
This month brought lots of firsts in one quick weekend. After celebrating Pappy's birthday on July 3rd, we celebrated Bryleigh's first Fourth of July, where she went to her first parade (she LOVED the bands and the big fire trucks), and she saw her first fireworks (right from our back porch in our pj's). We also got to have some fun time with family and friends at a cookout at Poppa B and DeDe's where Mimi, Pappy, Mema, Cliff, Aunt Erin, and the Lally's were all there as well!
On Saturday, Mimi and I spent some time trying our hand at making homemade baby food...and so far, it's a HIT! We were able to make acorn squash and sweet potatoes and then freeze it. It was so easy and lots of fun, so I'm already looking forward to what I'll be making next. (I've found THIS site to be incredibly helpful on my new journey of feeding baby the best!)
Cities visited in month 6: Midlothian, TX
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