Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Carson's Birth Story...Finally!

Getting There

There's just something about a scheduled induction.  Time to plan and prepare, all kinds of "lasts" that you know are just ahead, making sure (as much as possible) that everything is right.  But we didn't have that!! ;)

At 38 weeks pregnant, I went in for my weekly check up with our OB (who we love DEARLY) with my breath held and my hopes high. Hoping with everything that my body was showing signs of progress only to be a little disappointed and discouraged, we left with a plan.  If Carson didn't decide to arrive before Monday, I'd be able to head in for an induction.

Carson had been keeping us on our toes since about week 15 when the contractions started, but after intense pre-term labor with Will and an entire pregnancy of contractions this time around, we realized that for some reason this was just how my body handled carrying babies - a whole lot of intense contractions with very little natural progress...until all of the sudden there was tons of progress!

We waited all week with anticipation to hear back from Dr. Harris' office about the details for us to come in, but we never heard anything, so on Friday (or maybe Thursday...), we called in to see what was going on.  That's when we heard the worst news...we'd been WAIT LISTED! We were honestly devastated.  We didn't even really know that was an option.  We just assumed the 29th was Carson's birthday and that was the day we'd be meeting him...unless he came on his on.

By Sunday afternoon, we STILL had not heard anything, and I was having the hardest time.  When you carry and delivery babies as big as I do...you reach a point that the inevitable starts to kick in and you just aren't excited about it!! I figured with Bryleigh being 9 lb 9 oz at 40 weeks and Will being 9 lb 7 oz at 39 weeks, this one was SURE to be 10 pounds, and it felt like every second he was still cooking was just adding on ounce after ounce.

And then it happened.  Around 5:30, I had a random number, from Arlington no less, call me, and for some reason I decided to answer it.  Boy am I glad it did because it was my doctor personally calling to let me know they had a space open up for me and we were to be at the hospital before 8 in the morning. Cue ALL the anxiety.  The night went a little sideways after that.  Cramming in getting hospital ready while you had shifted to unpack-boxes-mode over the weekend was more overwhelming than I imagined or can explain, but there were lots of tears, Brad took the bigs outside for several hours with the neighbors, and I had a full on panic attack in the shower.  Beautiful.

Carson's BIRTHday

My parents came over to take care of the bigs, who we imagined would still be asleep when we left, but Bryleigh surprised us by bopping on down around 6:30 that morning (fully dressed, I might add)! But it really was so sweet to see her before we headed off to Dallas and she became a big sister all over again.  She was SO excited to meet her baby brother.

We were in our room an settled by 8 that morning where they got me all set up on the monitors and got an IV going for any and all drugs that might be needed.  We weren't sure how I was progressing or how much help Carson would need to get here based on the months of contractions my body had already experienced. (EXHAUSTING.)

Last bump pic....ever.

I was officially dilated to a 4 and they got my Pitocin going by 9. They started me on a low, easy dose to see how my body and Carson would handle everything and then adjust as needed.  I was able to get on a wireless monitor because they were having trouble keeping up with Carson's heart beat from the normal one, and this meant I could get up and move around, go to the bathroom, or sit as comfortably as possible.  Once the contractions really started going, that was SO helpful because I could move around to help myself through them.

Avoiding that epidural as long as possible!

Will's birth was QUICK.  My water broke at 3 am, we were in around 6, and he was here by 9.  Bryleigh's was the complete opposite. I went in at 8 pm and she made her appearance at 3 pm the following day. I was on the epidural for WAY too long (5:30 am to 1:00 pm to be somewhat exact) and it's something that still gives me nightmares to this day.  My legs weren't right for days! I wanted to avoid that at all cost - which meant enduring way more pain than some might really expect.

The bigs were WELL taken care of! ;)

My precious nurse and my encouraging husband finally convinced me to get the epidural going around 12:30 pm, and once that was going they checked my again at 12:45 and I was dilated to a 6.  Right around that time, my water also broke on its own!

Each of my babes have had blood pressure issues during labor, and Carson was no different.  His bp would plummet each time I had a contraction, so around 1:45 they brought in some medicine to help with that and I had to lay in a certain position (super difficult to do when you don't have control over your lower body).  By that time, I was feeling nice and relaxed.  I could feel the contractions each time, but I didn't have any pain. I was able to rest!!

Thankfully Brad was also able to rest ;)

The doctor that did the epidural assured us it would just take some time and things would eventually even out, but they just never did and now I was doing way more than just "feeling" the contractions, I was feeling the pain down the entire left side of my body.  They were able to get the epidural moved around a little and added some meds to my IV that got me to our next check at 2:50...

And that was it! At 2:50, I was officially FULLY dilated and FULLY effaced.  It was Baby Carson time!!  They called Dr. Harris to come over and had me to a practice push while we waited.  And part way through that practice push (7 of 10), they had me stop because he was COMING!!

A little drugged. A lot ready!!

Once Dr. Harris got in, they got everything all set up for him (quickly) and it was time to push! I was fully prepared in my mind to spend a little time on this part of the whole "Labor and Delivery" day, but to my surprise...we didn't.  One push and our littlest babe of the bunch was welcomed earth-side!

Here... I'm still in shock he's already here.

I have never wished more for a moment to be videoed, and our sweet nurse said the same.  The look on everyone's faces was shock and disbelief, but none more than mine.  I could not believe what had just happened and how quickly Carson was here...but I was so thankful!

Carson Merritt Hammons was born at 3:26 pm on Monday, April 29 weighing 8 pounds 11 ounces and measured 20.5 inches long!  His quick birth was our first surprise (and delight) from God, but He has been showering us with those ever since.  I'd often prayed for a "smaller" babe with William, but I never did with Carson (for some reason...although I WORRIED about it a lot), but God blessed us with it any ways.  He also has the sweetest subtle hints of red hair, just like mine.  And we can never forget those beautiful blue eyes, no matter how long they decide to stick around!!

We spent the first hour skin to skin while they fixed me up thanks to Caron's arm/hand coming out at a weird angle, and then they got all of his vitals and newborn things taken care of, just in time for the Bigs to come straight in to our delivery room to meet him for the first time.  It was absolutely the best day and the sweetest time!

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