1. I sucked my thumb until AT LEAST the fourth grade.
2. I was scared to death at night...to the point that I would get spanked because I would be crying so uncontrollably. I had nightmares for years, and I'm sad to say that for a while - I HATED night time.
3. Sleeping happens to be one of my favorite things to do now. (Sorry, that one isn't so random)
4. I HATE dancing in front of people - but I was mascot my 8th grade year and senior year, which meant shaking my booty in front of the entire school.
5. The worst spanking of my life came from the time I lied to my parents about flipping my brother off...i believe I was in the third grade. (Please believe he did something wrong too, because we BOTH got whoppings that day!)
6. My brother and I used to fight TERRIBLY when we were growing up. (Not so random for those of you who knew us way back when)
7. My brother and I are the best of friends now. (Not so random for those of you who know us these days.)
8. I can not stand bananas. Don't want to look at them, smell them, touch them, or even think about them. It WILL make me throw up.
9. I will never be allowed to sit at the "Big People Table" at family funcitions because i will never eat like a "Big People"
10. I remember a time (during those "I hate nights" days) that I would line up ALL (and by all I mean a good 15 or 20) stuffed animals on either side of me in the bed so that I was COMPLETELY surrounded.
11. I hope to be able to answer the question "What do you do?" with "I'm a writer" - someday.
12. Passions - working with girls in ministry (purity and self-worth), writing, aids/aids orphans in Africa, and reading
13. I equate running with punishment, not because I don't like it, but because when I was growing up and playing softbabll, that's what you did when you got in trouble. - But don't think that I do like running, because I really don't...punishment or no punishment.
14. There are two things I quit entirely to early in life - Gymnastics and Piano (I would have to add writing, but my mom didn't let me give that one up - neither did the public school system or my wild imagination)
15. I find multi-tasking IMPOSSIBLE, which might have been my frustration with the piano...two hands doing two different things - NOT HAPPENING.
16. I'm OCD when it comes to planning - I LOVE excel spreadsheets and Publisher calendars. (I have an excel spreadsheet print out that is one solid calendar from now until August 8)
17. I have never been more comfortable, open, and honest with anyone in my life than I am with Brad.
18. If I could have multiple careers, I'd have it made. - Photographer, Girls Minister, Author, Marketer, Accountant, School Teacher (sorry mom), and I think I'd enjoy being a chef.
19. I can't wait to be a wife, and a little while later, a mother!
20. I'm creative to the point of dangerous sometimes...I get WAY too many ideas going on in my head.
21. I love to learn new things - mostly from God, but it's nice to come across something new at school too
22. I still remember the first time I ever saw Brad. It happened to be 5 months before I even met him, and I actually asked my brother who he was.
23. The first time I stood up beside Brad (at a Thursday night college bible study)...I was toast! I haven't thought about another guy since!
24. I met my best friend in the 5th grade...our lockers were right across the hall from eachother and our mother's probably wish one of us had had a last name that DIDN'T start with A...it was fate!
25. I couldn't have been born into a better family...I have a dad who has allowed me to be his princess, a mom who I've had the priviliedge of calling best friend, and a brother who is amazing in every sense of the word. -
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