Over the past four months, the blessings that God has repeatedly POURED out over Brad and me have been overwhelming, and the past 3 days have been no different.
As most of you know, I was laid off last February from a position that I had been in for three years. I found out on February 7, 2009 and my last day on the job was March 31, 2009. That month and a half was honestly the hardest part during this journey because I had so many questions and I was so angry, yet I had to BE where I didn’t want to be every single day.
I was graduating from college only a month and a half later, but it didn’t make things much easier. I had a school schedule that didn’t let me accept a full time position right away, and I didn’t want to get a job that I’d need to replace again in a few months. I probably sent in resumes and cover letters for close to 1000 jobs over those few months, and I got some good interviews, but nothing seemed to be going my way. I would get invested in a position only to find out that it wasn’t what God had in store for me. I began to doubt myself and my worth, and at times, I even doubted what God was doing in my life.
In May, I was given the opportunity to interview with the Dallas Cowboys. I thought, “This is it, this is the job I’ve been waiting for!” But three weeks after starting in June, laying in the lap of my soon-to-be husband, sobbing, I told him I couldn’t do it anymore. It was everything I had always wanted. I had dreamed of working for the Cowboys for years and this entry-level job was the foot-in-the-door position I needed. But I got a quick glance of how the organization was run, how the upper management treated their employees, and how those in the corporate office positions were dedicated to their jobs (and when I say dedicated, I mean, payroll people SPENDING THE NIGHT at the office to get their work complete). I was ready to work, I wanted a full time position, but I was also ready to start my family, and my job was NOT going to take me away from that. So I ended up quitting, and I was so miserable that I quit before even having another job – not my best move.
For the month of July I was able to focus on getting ready for our wedding and got to enjoy the time leading up to that and the honeymoon. We got home from the honeymoon and I was able to get our apartment completely set up as our home, cook dinner for my husband, and begin our life together.
In September, I got the opportunity to work with Arlington ISD as a TAKS tutor for 7th graders who needed help with math. I knew a few things about this position: It would let me know if teaching was for me (it WASN’T), it had a start date, and it had an END date. So I took the position and Brad and I were able to take care of ourselves financially during my time there, but all the while, I knew the end was coming. I knew that I would be RIGHT back where I had started, looking for THE job.
Before I go into the details of the past few days, I have to take a minute to praise our Heavenly Father. We have such an incredible family that was behind us every step of the way and both of our parents provided for us whenever they could. God provided for us over the past year in such a way that although money was tight, and we learned LOTS of valuable lessons, we never looked at an empty bank account. I’m thankful for the lessons we learned, for the fact that we know eating grilled cheeses five nights a week is totally doable, and I’m thankful that God was so present in our lives that we never came close to giving up. He also provided us with some incredible friends that definitely gave us a peace during such a difficult time. We had prayer warriors behind us every step of the way, and we never ONCE felt as if we were alone in this battle.
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