As most of you know, I do have a new job. No conditions, no strings attached, and God is all over this one!
Sometime last week, I sat down, as I had many times before, and got on Craigs List. I would start at the newest posted job and work my way backwards until there were no more jobs posted, or until I came to one I had seen before. I would open up the ones that sounded promising in a new tab, and then after opening 10 or 15, I’d read through the descriptions of those and email the ones that still seemed good to myself. After looking through all the new listings and emailing myself the ones that sounded like a good fit, I’d pull up the cover letters and resumes I had and adjust them to fit each position. Needless to say, it was a long process, and after repeating it daily for months, I began to feel like something might not ever come up. (Not that this was the ONLY way I was looking, it just allowed me to take the most action in the quickest manner)
I was woken up on Wednesday morning with a phone call from a lady named Cathy. I didn’t have any idea what the position was or what the company was called, but I had an opportunity to meet with her at 11:15 (about 2 hours later) and I was jumping on it! I rushed around the apartment to get ready, printed out a map to get me there, and grabbed my “job folder” – this little guy has gone on EVERY interview with me since the day of the Cowboy’s interview.
I got to the general area of the interview, but wasn’t sure where I was, so I called to get the final directions. I spoke with a friendly man named Charlie who gave me perfect directions (you know, the girl ones where they tell you what to look for, when to slow down, and the colors of the gate). Charlie was also the one that greeted me, along with a man named Ray, and both men were very welcoming!
I was taken back to an office where I was able to meet with Cathy, and was simply blown away by her sincerity and friendliness. She was very honest and up front with me about all that was going on, and the position sounded like something I’d LOVE to be doing. I don’t remember how faith came up, but it did at some point and any bit of doubt I had dwindled away. I felt so comfortable and totally in the middle of God’s will. Cathy even told me the story of how she got saved.
Just as I have applied to hundreds of jobs via Craigslist, each time a job is posted, the person looking gets hundreds of applicants from their posts. This time was no different, Cathy said she had done a few interviews, and then she showed me the stack of 400 resumes she had already gone through. She told me how she felt so overwhelmed and that she was at the end of her rope and just prayed that God would SHOW her who was to have this position. My resume was the very next one she read, and she said she just knew she had to call me. God is SO good! And who knew that as the answer to MY prayers, I’d be the answer to someone else’s! What a great feeling!!
I spoke with Cathy again today, and I’ll be starting Monday morning, one day before my last check comes from Young. I cannot begin to praise God enough for the way He has provided for Brad and I during this time!
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