But one problem I've always had in my faith is being ready for His coming. There have been moments of selfishness (and brutal honesty) that I would tell others that I'm just not ready. I KNOW heaven is so much better than this earth, but there are things I want to do, be, and accomplish before I leave this earth. I want to spend time with my husband, I want to meet my little nephew, I want to be a mommy and even a grand-mommy.
This was a feeling I've had as long as I can remember, and this is a feeling that I desperately WANTED to go away. I would pray, daily, for the Lord to give me a heart for eternity and not for this world. I believe placing my focus there would change my life in other areas as well.
I have had this prayer for years. I finally got a GLIMPSE of that feeling on Sunday morning. I have also prayed for an understanding of what Christ did for me on the cross, not just KNOWING what he did, but really feeling all the pain, desparation, and hope that went along with his sacrifice. This also came on Sunday morning.
Leading up to the Easter season, I complete a few reading plans and spent time in worship while I was alone, and on Good Friday I had a realization. What was it REALLY like that day?? As Jesus breathed his last breath on the cross, there was a group that celebrated thinking they had victory, and there was a group that mourned thinking all they had hoped for was finished.
This idea seemed to be reiterated throughout Easter sunday - it was in the Sunday School lesson that my dad taught, and it was in the Big Church sermon that Mark preached. It was confirmation to me that I was getting it, at least a very small part of it all.
But those goose bump, heart pounding, tears forming feelings came when we closed out the Sunday morning service with Lenny Leblanc's song "Make Way for the King." Pastor had closed out his sermon with a message of hope and a challenge. As believers, we have our place in the army of the one riding on the white horse - HOPE. But we have an obligation to share His story with those who are not on His team yet - CHALLENGE.
Hallelujah - He's on the throne. Hallelujah - He's coming. He's coming on a white horse to carry me home, so I make way for the King.
I just finished uploading pictures from our trip back to Sulphur Springs over the Easter weekend. It was a quick trip, but I enjoyed being back again for the first time since Christmas. I also enjoy getting to go back to FBC and see everyone that has meant so much to me throughout the years. I also love seeing some of those people excited to see my sweet husband because they have grown to love him as well!
I think Emmitt is trying to get in all his "All About Me" time before little Tate gets here in September because he knows he won't have Mimi and Pappy's full attention anymore!
He doesn't want to miss ANYTHING, which makes things hard when everyone is different places.
Content in dad's arms - as long as mimi and pappy are close by!
Pappy spoils the pups with treats - they LOVE Little Caesars.
My sweet boy and me on Easter morning.
We had a GREAT morning in worship at First Baptist, and we loved the steak lunch that my mom and dad made. We get spoiled when we go to Sulphur :)
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