Saturday, June 18, 2011

Back to Chisinau

11:00 pm here – 3:00 pm at home

This morning, we finished up our packing and waited with the girls for Richard to come by and pick us up.  There were definitely tears all around as we hugged them goodbye.  It’s such a strange feeling telling someone goodbye that you know you (probably) won’t see on this side of eternity.

Once we loaded up our luggage in Richard’s van, we headed to the church for breakfast and loading the bus to head back to Chisinau.  This was where we spent some time saying good bye to the interpreters we had lived and served with over the past week.  Irina I. gave me a pair of beautiful turquoise earrings that she handmade.  Irina G. had a Gaga-oose plaque with all of the villages.

Two of the hardest goodbyes also took place at the church.  Luba had gone early that morning to get breakfast ready for us, so that was the last time I would get to see her.  She had taken such good care of us over the past week.  She had opened her home and her heart with us, and she let us be a part of her family. She was a blessing.  I also had to say goodbye to Amy because she would be riding in with Erin and Courtney to meet up with her dad.  She is SUCH a beautiful person, inside and out.

We took a 3(ish) hour bus ride in to Belts (which is closer to Vulcanesti than Chisnau) and dropped off the translators along the way…saying hard goodbyes each time.

When we got to Belts, some went people went shopping in the city for the last time and some stayed back at our hotel - I took a shower and a much-needed nap!

We ended our evening with a beautiful dinner and the BEST meal I’d had all week. J We were able to spend the evening reflecting on our time from the past week until it was time to say our final goodbyes to the translators that had stayed with us.

Luba's beautiful daughters

Our sweet boys that were so fun all week.
Loved hearing them talk in English!

SWEET AMY! So very blessed to have met her.
*The girls*

If you look closely, there are tears in 6 of those eyes!
So very hard to say goodbye to her.

Sweet Irina - so blessed to know her

Mine and Jenn's beautiful room

Our beautiful dinner

Typical Irina - She ALWAYS made me laugh

Saying bye to Peter was like saying bye to my brother :(

LOVE her precious heart!

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