Sunday, June 19, 2011

Traveling HOME

We had our FINAL team meal with our home team, the Owens, and the Sanders at 9:00 and then it was time to finish packing, load the buses and head to the airport around 10:30. I think those final goodbyes to those two families were DEFINITELY the hardest.  Their hearts for the Lord and the people of Moldova are inspiring, and I definitely consider it a blessing to know them and to have had the opportunity to have served along side them.

Our flight from Chisnau to Munich was a 2-hour flight that left around 12:55…and I’m pretty sure I slept the majority of those 2 hours!

Our group was literally RUNNING through the airport (and SEVERAL security points) to make our 9-hour connecting flight from Germany to Chicago that was leaving at 3:50.

We were welcomed back to the States with CUSTOMS.  We each had to get our bags, go through customs and then RE-CHECK our bags.  The time spent in the Chicago airport was definitely interesting.  Because of some weird things with some of our boarding passes…(Did I mention mine said “Bryan Hammons”??) our 2.5-hour layover quickly turned in to about 15 minutes of downtime.

Our final flight left out of Chicago at 9:05…last stop, D.F.Dub!  We were all so anxious to get home to our families…and our beds. It was such a blessing to be greeted by my hubby at the airport, I had missed him more than I ever imagined.

I am SO very thankful, eternally thankful, that God allowed me to be a part of this trip, serve along side our amazing team, and fall in love with the people of Moldova.  God is truly at work there.

The wonderful hotel we stayed at before heading home

Boarding our plane for the flight to Germany

Reunited and it feels so good! :) LOVE him.

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