Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekly Sunday Visit to The Trail

Each week we are in Arlington for church, we like to drive by the lot after lunch.  Some days we have to drop in and see Anthony for one reason or another...which ends up being an hour long conversation between Anthony and Brad about everything BUT our house. (Have I mentioned we LOVE Anthony??)

Brad's parents were with us the Sunday we picked out the lot, and my parents were with us the next day when we went to lock in the brick and stone option.  We have been able to drive them through the neighborhood and show them the different versions of what our home could look like, we've taken them on the tour through the model homes, and we've talked through what our house will look like in comparison.

Today was special though because we got to take our "Third Parents," the Lallys, by the lot and through the model home.  We've all had a busy summer and hadn't got to see them very much, so it was so good to spend some time with them after our normal Sunday Lunch.  We took them by the lot (where we got our first picture in front of the sold sign, and then we walked them through the model home.  We had our first appointment at the design center last week, so we were able to show them various things that we had picked or where things would be different in our house.

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