Friday, September 14, 2012

And then...There were Sticks

I think the BIGGEST changes to date have happened over the past two days...

I've had a pretty tough week with some complications from the surgery/endometriosis, and Brad has worked a total of 49.5 hours over the past five days...two of those days being HALF days.  Needless to say, it's been a long, exhausting week and I can honestly say I had FORGOTTEN we were even building a house.

Thursday, Sept 13

I worked a 9.5 hour day and B worked a 12.5 hour day.  I was dreading the post op appointment I had this morning and quite honestly having a little pity party while I was waiting on Brad to get home...and then I got this text :)

It seriously turned my whole attitude around.  It's so exciting to see progress being made, but to see an actual HOUSE starting to form is just awesome.

Garage and master bedroom on the far left, front entry way in the center,
and office on the far left
My dad's comment when he got the pictures was something along the lines of...
"You have sticks!"
Friday, September 14

Like I mentioned earlier, I had my post op appointment this morning and so my dad brought my mom down to go with me.  After we finished up at lunch, they headed to Arlington to visit my mom's brother, Larry who just had surgery.  Larry and Sissy live approximately SEVEN minutes from our house (which we are SOOO excited about!) so mom and dad were able to check out today's progress while they were in Arlington.

We have MORE sticks...They made even more progress today :)

Emmitt's back yard!

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