Friday, October 26, 2012

Who PRAYS for a shot?

These are copies of text messages/emails that I sent to my parents, Brad, and his parents at the time everything was going on, so please ignore any errors.  I wasn't going for grammar, punctuation, or capitalization on these.

October 25 at 1:37
Update on the shot.  I just got off the phone with Mackey and she has been on the phone with everyone today.

Yardi is in CA, so our insurance and pharmacy benefits company is out of California.

My doctor is in Texas.

When curascripts (in ca) goes to fill the rx, they won't send it to a tx doctor.

So they transferred it to a tx blue cross (prime therapeutics) and they won't fill it cause the insurance is out of CA.

Mackey also called Express Scripts, who we have our rx benefits through, and they won't do it either.

So right now I would have to do it as not covered by insurance and its $800 a shot...$3200.

October 26 at 10:18

Just got off the phone with Mackey. She has talked to everyone available and no one will budge. Because of something to do with laws between California and Texas. The shot has to come from there since that's where my insurance is, but they won't send it from an rx with a Texas doctor.

Mackey has talked with a lady that can get the lower dosage (3.75 instead of 7.5) for free.

Because it will be a lower dosage, Dr. Howard is going to have me double up on the Femara. 2 in the morning and 2 at night, (which means doubly tired).

I will go in and have a sono at the end of 4 months to see if my tubes are still blocked. If they are I will keep getting the shot (possibly 6 months to start). I will also have to get my blood drawn periodically to make sure it is in fact lowering my estrogen levels. The goal is under 20.

I am waiting to hear back from dr. Howard's office to get the new rx for the double Femara. And Mackey is waiting to hear back about when she can get the free ones. She is hoping to get a 3.75 sample shot from their rep so that I can start ASAP!

October 26 at 10:53
I just got off two more phone calls.  One with Teresa from Neovia, which is a consulting firm that acts as a liaison between Yardi and Anthem.  She called to get my doctors name and number and was calling Anthem back with that information.  She says she hopes to have this resolved by the end of the day.  I’m just not sure how she won’t run into the same road blocks.

I also just got off the phone with Mackey to get some information regarding all of the calls she's made and the trouble she's had on those calls.  – The latest on the background information from her:

She calls the Vendor in California at CuraScripts and says that Texas process their own claims so they won’t send the injection to Texas and that we need to work with the Blue Cross Texas vendor to get the shot.  The Blue Cross Texas vendor is Prime Therapuetics.  When she calls them, they won’t fill it because they don’t have a contract with Anthem (Blue Cross out of California).  So she tried to call Express Scripts because that is who our pharmacy insurance uses and they won’t fill it without us paying full price because it is an injectable and it is a specialty drug.

We could really use your prayers at this time that God would allow this situation to work out.  I'm already on 6 perscriptions, and adding more is just scary.  Not to mention the one I'd be doubling up on already makes me tired as it is.  The longer this process takes, the more my endo can grow and continue to cause pain and other issues.  Also, the longer it takes, the longer we have to wait to start our family.

Please pray that if we can't get the 7.5 shot taken care of through insurance, that the sample would come quickly to Dr. Howard's office and that Mackey's contact would be able to provide the free shots for us.  Please pray that this treatment will work even though it's not our original gameplan, and please pray for patience as we try and work through all of this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for all of this heartache, Carrie. Please know I am praying. Take care, sweet friend.
