How far along? 38 weeks...I'm going to go ahead and let my pregnant friends know that the days FLY by at the end!! We went from 100 days to today in what seemed like 5 days!!
Due Date? January 14, 2014...I'm perfectly fine with any day now! (I think.)
How big is baby? Miss B is the size of a leek this week - 19.75 inches long and 6.8 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Of course! But funny story here - I do have "non-maternity" things I can still wear, including a pair of Dallas Cowboys sweatpants and hoodie from Victoria Secret's PINK line...SUPER comfy. I had this on when we were out running errands this week, and while at Hobby Lobby I was looking for some specific ribbon styles with my back to the fabric cutting counter. There was a lady there with her high school aged daughter getting some material for some sort of project, and they were having a discussion with the Hobby Lobby worker about the appropriate fit of hooded sweatshirts. I could hear her say, "Look at that girls, her sweatshirt fits her loose." I laughed...out loud...and then turned around and said, "But not so much on this side!" The look on her face was PRICELESS as she saw my 38 week pregnant belly and NOT so loose sweatshirt from the front. I'm just glad to know I didn't look pregnant from the back! ;) We ALL had a nice laugh at all of that.
Stretch marks? Let's just call them "beauty marks" and move on. I did pray for the FULL experience when I asked God to let me carry a child, so a few stretch marks are obviously a part of the package!
Sleeping? I'd have to say that sleeping is the same this week as the last - I'm thankful for the sleep I'm getting in my own bed and fairly comfortable for the most part.
Miss anything? Can we just say "Everything" and let that cover it??
Movement? This is one thing that is consistent - Bryleigh girl likes to move!!
Food cravings? BROWNIES! And as of Friday - fruit (apples, bananas, and strawberries specifically).
Food aversions? No foods to avoid this week!
Gender predictions? A sweet little girl!
Symptoms? No new symptoms, more of the same with everything.
Belly button – in or out? Not out...
Wedding rings – on or off? Definitely not on!
Mood? I'm doing pretty good!
Labor signs? At my appointment on Monday, I hadn't made any further progress, but was 80% effaced as opposed to 70% last week. I was okay with that because I was WAY not ready for a baby that day. I'm having LOTS of Braxton Hicks contractions, which Dr. Harris confirmed for us at the appointment. I was glad to know that is what they were and not actual contractions. They tend to come on days when I am busier. I was convinced Sunday night/Monday morning that he was going to tell me I had dilated to the point I needed to head on over to the hospital...thankfully that didn't happen!
Best moment(s) this week? This week was definitely a "Getting Ready for Bryleigh" week. My mom was still here this week, and my dad came back down on Monday, so it was a week full of projects, and cleaning, and anticipating our sweet little girl! Mimi and Pappy put her swing/rocker together, Daddy put her play mat together, and I packed her hospital bag.
On Friday, I took my momma on a date! I had been SO excited for quite a while to take her to the Tea Room in Arlington, and this week was the perfect time - I was able to say Thank You for all that she's done over the past month (and my life, really!) and we had our last date before Miss Bryleigh arrives. We finished out the afternoon with a trip to Gracie Lane. Some really yummy food and some shopping, there's not much we like more, so it was the perfect date!!
We rang in the New Year with dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and watching a little of the Duke/A&M game, and then ended up our night relaxing at home and watching the Ball Drop on the Rocking New Years Eve show. (Low key was definitely the goal at 38 weeks pregnant!!)
Mom and I started off the New Years in the best way - getting active!! She does much better than me these days, but I got a mile in first thing January 1! I'm looking forward to getting back in shape once Bryleigh gets here.
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Mimi after her first 3 miles and me after my 1st mile of 2014! |
Saturday was mom's last day here before heading back, and we got some final things finished up. Brad and my dad installed the seat cover and mirror (which took a little more effort than necessary considering our headrest don't move at all...) and then Brad installed the car seat base and seat...Apparently, we're OFFICIALLY ready to bring that baby home!
The boys also got a shelf hung in Bry's room that was made by my PaPaw (my Great-Granddad-Armstrong) with wood from my PawPaw's old corrals (my Granddad-Armstrong) and painted by Pappy (my dad) is definitely a special piece in her room!!
We ended up the week with what will probably be our last double date before Miss B gets here, and it was perfect...dinner and fun with great friends! We also made it to church this morning for the first Small Group bible study of the New Year with our "new" group. We are so thankful for such wonderful friends, and we are looking forward to what God is going to do in 2014!!
Looking forward to? Welcoming our sweet baby girl is the only thing on our calendar these days...we don't have any other plans until she gets here, so this week will consist of Daddy working (he's got a really busy week with in-office meetings until Thursday, so we're hoping she holds off until those are over) and mommy getting any last minute things together...and a whole lot of waiting!![]() |
My verse for 2014 - Praying for endurance this year! |
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