Friday, February 28, 2014

A day in the life...

On Wednesday, Brad had to go in to the office to have some face time with his clients. This meant that Bryleigh and I would be facing our first official full day alone together (that sounds a bit like an oxymoron, but anyway...).

We rocked it out! Bryleigh slept 8 hours for the first time, which was nice since Brad had to get up so much ealier than usual.  

We started our day with a diaper change and a bottle (and repeated that process every three hours for the duration), and during the in between times, I was able to get three loads of her laundry done as well as three of ours.

I got out all of her three month clothes from the closet, removed the tags and threw them in to wash. The girl better grow REALLY slow, or we'll be changing three times a day to get all those cute clothes done.

I was also able to get all of the dishes done and wash all of Bryleigh's bottles we've been using. I was quite the busy body getting things put up/straightened up throughout the morning...with some very long breaks to snuggle my sweet girl.

I felt like we really conquered day one as a team, so when Brad texted to let me know he'd have to go in on Thursday too, I didn't have any concerns.

That leads us to day two of just me and Bryleigh (have I mentioned we only have one car, so we are "stranded" at home?!), which will now be referred to as "Meltdown Mania."

It was just a comical day all around.  We did, however, start the day after our second 8 hour night!!

It started off great. A bottle at 7:30 followed by a diaper change. Bryleigh seemed pretty content,
so I thought it would be the perfect time to take a shower.

Everything was going so good, I thought I'd give shaving my legs a quick try.  And that's where I went wrong.

At some point, Bryleigh lost it. So I got out of the shower, dried off as quickly as possible and stood consoling my baby in a robe.

For the next several hours (more like 5...), Bryleigh would have meltdowns every 15-20 minutes.  And they were LONG melt downs. The kind where she loses her breath, face turns red, and you can see every inch of gums she has.  She was unconsolable.

About an hour and a half into this, I decided I would just go ahead and face the facts: I wasn't getting ANYTHING done today.  So I set up camp on our couch (including both remotes, my phone, my blanket, her blanket, and the boppy), and I snuggled my sweet girl for hours as she dozed off and on.

By 5:00, she seemed pretty good, so I decided I'd try to finish shaving which normally takes place in our bathtub.  I got it all set up, including her in the rock n play NEXT to the tub, started the water and bubbles, and then hopped it.

And then it happened. She started popping.  I think Brad, myself, and maybe my parents are the only ones that have experienced this part of Bryleigh's life, but it is long and it is loud.  She seriously grunted the first half of my bath and then I got to sit and smell it for the second half, all the while looking forward to the prize she was leaving me when I got out of my nice, "relaxing" bath.

All I could do was laugh. THIS was my life...loads and loads of laundry, washing bottles and tidying the house, meltdowns, poops, and a serious lacking of "me" time...but it is SUCH a beautiful life, and I'm so thankful to be right where I am!

As soon as I was out of bath and Bryleigh's diaper was changed, we were both back on the couch and snuggled up for the night, both thankful when daddy got home at 7:30.

And on that note, I would like to say how thankful I am for my husband and his love and provision for our family. I am so thankful that today is NOT my last day of maternity leave. I'm thankful that I will wake up on Monday morning and take care of our sweet girl, meltdowns, poopy diapers, and all!!

Yesterday was "Shine a Light on Slavery" day with the End It Movement, so Bryleigh and I did our part to let the world know that slavery still exists today.

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