Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ham Fam Halloween 2019


We have had the funnest week with all kinds of things leading up to Halloween night... I shared about Ham Fam October life HERE, but thought Halloween should have it's own post because it's just been so fun!

It was Red Ribbon Week at Bryleigh's school, and she's wanted to participate in lots of the dress up days!  We started off with wear red day, then 50's day, followed by pajama day!  Thursday, they dropped off their book character pumpkins and got to have several fun little treats and activities throughout the week. We love her school, she loves her school, and we love that she loves her school!  It really is the best!!

This year, we had an extra pumpkin, so we decided we'd give the kids a FULL halloween experience and do some pumpkin carving.  Daddy did the cutting, the kids were all in for support, and Carson and I got to help design the face. :) It was a team effort.

And then there was the whole watching our team WIN THE WORLDS SERIES thing! No big deal. (But really, it was a huge deal and so much fun to cheer them on all October long.). We had our rally hats on for game 7!

Halloween is definitely not my favorite holiday, but it has become more special to me over the last few years as we've added more little trick-or-treaters to our brood.  From our B-dad traveling to missing a year with B while I was on bed rest to worrying how she would handle not getting to enjoy it the way her friends do, Halloween took a different turn for a few years.  But watching our little allergy warrior enjoy the door-to-door fun, knowing she won't pitch one fit about handing over her candy is just the sweetest blessing to this momma's heart. She's learned valuable lessons beyond her 5 short years!

This year, with it being Carson's first year, we had to do sibling costumes...of course!! ;)  Bryleigh and Will both wore a bear costume for their first Halloween, and I planned on Carson wearing the same one this year, but thanks to the's likely forever lost.  As luck would have it, we found the perfect Bear costume in C's size and it is just cozy enough for getting out in the cooler temps.  To my Lost Boy little bear, may you always be free...Neverland is home to lost boys like me; and lost boys like me are free.

I've wanted B to be Tinkerbell for as long as I can remember, so I just needed to find a way to fit the Bear in...and then it hit me - LOST BOYS!!  So with Tinkerbell and a Lost Boy, I started digging for Will and came across the cutest Crocodile.  Tick Tock for the win!! Our little Peter Pan clan is just the cutest!!  To all my babes, I love you to Neverland and back!

To my sweetest Tinkerbell - All you need is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust!

And to my favorite little Crocodile, it's a joy to watch you grow, just wishing time would slow down a little - I suppose it's like the ticking crocodile isn't it? Time is chasing after all of us.

To live would be an awfully big adventure! And boy am I ever glad to be on this adventure with these precious people!

And we can never forget our beloved Switch Witch who has saved and redeemed Halloween for us!! She has come and gone this year, the kids will wake up to empty buckets and surprises at the breakfast table!! (It's Will's first year to knowingly have candy and wake up to it gone, so jury is still out on how that will go!!)

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