Saturday, May 26, 2012

To Build or Not to Build?

Throughout the five years I have been with Brad, a very common thought I would voice to him was – “I wonder what our first home will be like?”  We would have endless conversations about what we wanted our home to look like and have in it, when would we finally be able to purchase it (I’ve lived in an apartment for about 8 years…), and where would it be.  We often played a “game” driving through Arlington where I would see a neighborhood I really liked and I would have B tell me what high school it would fall into – I knew if the neighborhood was outside of Martin’s lines, I’d better not fall in love.

Along the way, some things changed – we started to think about areas outside of Arlington.  Earlier this year, I was pretty convinced our kids would be growing up in Frisco or Prosper ISD…but God had other plans, and Brad and I finally quit asking the speculating questions and just followed His lead…right back to Arlington.  Our hearts were at home in Arlington and more importantly at Fielder Church.  Now we are just ready for our bodies to be there too!! J

I never in my wildest dreams imagined we’d be able to BUILD our first home (or that we’d be ready to start the process NOW)…but today, we made that decision.

We drove through various neighborhoods that we had researched online and looked at several different builders.  The early part of the day was discouraging.  It seemed like the homes we could afford ended up being in neighborhoods we didn’t feel to comfortable in.  It was looking like building just wasn’t going to be an option for us.  That was until we sat down in the DR Horton office at Deer Valley with our new friend Anthony.

We explained to him where we were financially (and mentally) and told him we thought we were probably a little too early but wanted to get some information about his company and the homes they built.  He began to talk us through their process of building a home, and although it can go very quickly if needed, it can also take about 8 months…right about what we were looking at.  He let us know that we had come at the PERFECT time.  (Which included the ONE weekend they have promotions…Did I mention we are getting FREE front loading washer and dryer out of this deal?! The washer and dryer below to be exact...)

He didn’t have to do much of a sales pitch for us…the homes and neighborhood pretty much sold them selves.  Brad and I quickly agreed on the floor plan we both loved, and then we moved on to talking about lots!

So now we know the answers to those questions we kept asking...where will we live *In Arlington Texas*...where will our babies go to school *Mansfield ISD*...what will our house be like *3 Bedrooms/2 Bathrooms and BEAUTIFUL*

DR Horton Homes - Canyon Falls floor plan with a left garage and study
Whoa, wait…we’re picking a LOT?!  We ended our time with Anthony with our hearts set on a large corner lot that we’d be putting a deposit on tomorrow…until we got a text from him after we left that said he had a cash buyer for that lot.

We have had our first “setback” as home-builders today (when 24 hours ago we didn’t even know we’d be building a home…), but we know that God was in control and we are trusting in His direction for the PERFECT lot.

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